______________________________________________________________________ TI Template: list_v40.txt Version 4.0 of 22 February 2022 ______________________________________________________________________ Send as Electronic Mail to the TI as *an ASCII* file! PDF, WORD or OPENOFFICE documents will not processed. In addition to this text file you need to submit appropriate PGP/GPG public key files for *all* keys referenced. Preferably these keys are signed by the team representatives, a team key or potential sponsors. You will find our contact data and public PGP/GPG key on: https://www.trusted-introducer.org/contact.html Please note: The information provided will be used to set up a web form to collect the complete data set required for listing candidates. Only data included in the completed data set - which is then submitted by you to the TI - will be published later according as described in the invitation package at: https://www.trusted-introducer.org/invitation-listing.pdf ______________________________________________________________________ Please provide all information! You need to submit the public PGP/GPG Keys of both representatives as separate files, include only PGP/GPG Key IDs here - those are needed to protect the confidentiality of your unique link to the registration form! ______________________________________________________________________ Section 1) Team name: Acronym used (short name): _______________________________ Official team name: _______________________________ Host organisation: _______________________________ Main Country: _______________________________ Team Establishment Date: _______________________________ Section 2) Team Representatives Please name two Team Representatives! Both have the same rights in regard to updating the team data and speak authoritatively for the team! * Primary Team Representative First and last name: _______________________________ Email address: _______________________________ PGP fingerprint: 0x_____________________________ Phone number including country code: +______________________________ * Secondary Team Representative First and last name: _______________________________ Email address: _______________________________ PGP fingerprint: 0x_____________________________ Phone number including country code: +______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ End of TI Template: list_v40.txt Version 4.0 of 22 February 2022 ______________________________________________________________________