National CERT of Republic of Srpska
since 16 Apr 2020

Fields describing the team

Team Details

Official Name Short Name Country
National CERT of Republic of Srpska CERT RS (RS) Bosnia Hercegovina
Established Host Organisation
23 Jun 2011 Agency for Information and Communication Techonologies of Republic of Srpska


Constituency Type Country of Constituency
Government, National Bosnia Hercegovina
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges Description of Formal Constituency
CERT RS is the national computer security incident response team of the Republic of Srpska and its constituency consists of all the networks and users located in the Republic of Srpska.

Team Contact Information

Main Number Emergency Number Fax Number
+38 751 339743
+38 751 339714
Email Other contact Postal Address
cert@aikt.rs - CERT RS
Trg Republike Srpske 1
78000 Banja Luka
Automated Reporting E-Mail Autom. Rep. Supported Formats
- -
Business Hours Timezone
24/7 365 Europe/Sarajevo


Type:   EdDSA/256    Expires: 2027-01-31
Fpr:    9036 5749 3D6F 31F9 AE3E 8BCF 331E 5006 AB07 4F68
Sub:    ECDH/256  Usage: Encrypt  Expires: 2027-01-31
UID:    CERT Republike Srpske <cert@aikt.rs>




Current State Entry Date
since 16 Apr 2020
24 Sep 2019
Date of Accreditation Date of Certification
16 Apr 2020 -

Name Changes

This team has changed names:

  • from "CERT RS" to "CERT RS (RS)" on 08 Nov 2023


Date Description
16 Apr 2020 CERT RS (RS) is now an accredited team
19 Feb 2020 CERT RS (RS) is now an accreditation candidate team
17 Oct 2019 CERT RS (RS) is now a listed team