Danish Centre for Cyber Security
since 12 Oct 2011

Fields describing the team

Team Details

Official Name Short Name Country
Danish Centre for Cyber Security CFCS Denmark
Established Host Organisation
01 Jun 2009 Danish Defence Intelligence Service Ministry of Defence


Constituency Type Country of Constituency
Government, National Denmark
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges Description of Formal Constituency

The Danish Centre For Cyber Security is the Danish Government CERT. The constituency are Danish Government institutions and selected critical infrastructure owners.

Team Contact Information

Main Number Emergency Number Fax Number
+45 3332 5580
Email Other contact Postal Address - Centre for Cyber Security
Kastellet 30
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Automated Reporting E-Mail Autom. Rep. Supported Formats
- -
Business Hours Timezone
24/7/365 Europe/Copenhagen


Type:   RSA/2048    Expires: 2022-01-19 -- EXPIRED!
Fpr:    2CE4 BA61 B873 B089 0BE9 4ED2 3CDA 6879 6740 E2CD
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2012-10-14  [REVOKED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2013-04-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2013-04-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2014-04-16  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2014-04-16  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2015-03-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2015-03-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2016-03-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2016-03-18  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2017-04-01  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2017-04-01  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2018-02-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2018-02-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2021-01-22  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2021-01-22  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    Elgamal/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2021-01-22  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2020-01-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2020-01-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2021-01-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2021-01-02  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2022-01-19  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/2048  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2022-01-19  [EXPIRED!]
UID:    Center for Cybersikkerhed (Center for Cybersecurity, Denmark) <>
UID:    The Danish GovCERT <>


FIRST Full Member since
EGC Full Member since


Current State Entry Date
since 12 Oct 2011
15 Sep 2010
Date of Accreditation Date of Certification
12 Oct 2011 -

Name Changes

This team has changed names:

  • from "The Danish GovCERT" to "Danish GovCERT" on 12 Oct 2011
  • from "Danish GovCERT" to "CFCS" on 06 Feb 2017


Date Description
12 Oct 2011 CFCS is now an accredited team
11 Aug 2011 CFCS is now an accreditation candidate team
15 Sep 2010 CFCS is now a listed team