since 02 Jun 2022
This information is provided without guarantee or pro-active maintenance.

Fields describing the team

Team Details

Official Name Short Name Country
CSOB-Group-CSIRT CSOB-Group-CSIRT (CZ) Czech Republic
Established Host Organisation
01 Jan 2011 Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a. s.


Constituency Type Country of Constituency
Financial Sector Czech Republic
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges Description of Formal Constituency

CSOB Group and customers.
See http://www.csob.cz/en/CSOB/About-CSOB/CSOB-Group/
The CSOB group is a leading financial services provider in the Czech Republic.
CSOB-Group-CSIRT provides IT security incident response for CSOB group and
its customers.

Team Contact Information

Main Number Emergency Number Fax Number
+420 495 800 111
Email Other contact Postal Address
cybersec@csob.cz - CSOB-Group-CSIRT
Radlicka 333/150
150 57 Praha
Automated Reporting E-Mail Autom. Rep. Supported Formats
- -
Business Hours Timezone
08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday Europe/Prague


Type:   DSA/3072    Expires: never
Fpr:    643E 42AF 5ADF 5715 B548 DE1C FA62 5348 B25C 7A1C
Sub:    Elgamal/1024  Usage: Encrypt
UID:    CSOB-GROUP-CSIRT <cybersec@csob.cz>


Current State Entry Date
since 02 Jun 2022
14 Oct 2014
Date of Accreditation Date of Certification
- -

Name Changes

This team has changed names:

  • from "CSOB-Group-CSIRT" to "CSOB-Group-CSIRT (CZ)" on 10 May 2022


Date Description
02 Jun 2022 CSOB-Group-CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
14 Mar 2019 CSOB-Group-CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
29 Oct 2014 CSOB-Group-CSIRT (CZ) is now a listed team