Government CERT of the Czech Republic
since 21 Aug 2014

Fields describing the team

Team Details

Official Name Short Name Country
Government CERT of the Czech Republic GOVCERT.CZ Czech Republic
Established Host Organisation
01 Sep 2012 National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) of Czech Republic, National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NCISA)


Constituency Type Country of Constituency
Government Czech Republic
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges Description of Formal Constituency
Czech governmental bodies and critical information infrastructure

Team Contact Information

Main Number Emergency Number Fax Number
+420 541 110 777
+420 725 875 205
+420 541 110 723
Email Other contact Postal Address - Narodni centrum kyberneticke bezpecnosti (Government CERT)
Mucednicka 1125/31
616 00 Brno
Automated Reporting E-Mail Autom. Rep. Supported Formats
- -
Business Hours Timezone
09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday Europe/Prague


Type:   RSA/4096    Expires: 2028-07-08
Fpr:    F60C 0622 EE75 52C9 7EE5 E9F8 4405 4AC1 A573 37A6
Sub:    RSA/4096  Usage: Sign     EXPIRED!: 2019-07-31  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/4096  Usage: Encrypt  EXPIRED!: 2019-07-31  [EXPIRED!]
Sub:    RSA/4096  Usage: Encrypt  Expires: 2028-07-08
Sub:    RSA/4096  Usage: Sign     Expires: 2028-07-08
UID:    Government CERT CZE (Communication channel with NCSC CZE) <>
UID:    Government CERT CZE (Communication channel with NCSC CZE) <>
UID:    Government CERT CZE (Communication channel with NSCS CZE) <>




Current State Entry Date
since 21 Aug 2014
19 Nov 2013
Date of Accreditation Date of Certification
21 Aug 2014 -


Date Description
21 Aug 2014 GOVCERT.CZ is now an accredited team
22 Jul 2014 GOVCERT.CZ is now an accreditation candidate team
19 Nov 2013 GOVCERT.CZ is now a listed team