Proximus Cyber Security Incident Response Team
Re-Certification Candidate
since 08 Nov 2023

Fields describing the team

Team Details

Official Name Short Name Country
Proximus Cyber Security Incident Response Team PXS-CSIRT Belgium
Established Host Organisation
01 Jan 2011 The team is part of the CISO office within the Proximus Group organization.


Constituency Type Country of Constituency
Commercial Organisation, ISP Customer Base Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges Description of Formal Constituency
The constituency of the Proximus CSIRT is twofold:
- ISP-customers and commercial-customers: services that Belgacom offers.
- Commercial-organization: employees of the Belgacom Group

The Proximus CSIRT is not intervening for cyber security incidents, that are not occurring on Proximus managed infrastructure. That means that consumer equipment (eg laptop) does not fall in the scope of the Proximus CSIRTs responsibilities. Affiliates (Telindus NL, Telindus UK, Telindus LU, Tango LU, BICS) are part of the commercial-organization constituency.
In general, the full AS5432 is owned by Proximus. However, these also include IP addresses that are statically or dynamically assigned to customers for which Proximus will not be intervene outside of the legal framework that we are bound to operate in.

Team Contact Information

Main Number Emergency Number Fax Number
+32 2 3829992
+32 2 3829992
Email Other contact Postal Address
csirt@proximus.com - Proximus CSIRT
Mathieu Allaert
Cantersteen 12
B-1030 Brussels
Automated Reporting E-Mail Autom. Rep. Supported Formats
- -
Business Hours Timezone
The Proximus CSIRT is available during extended business hours.
On normal working days that is from 07:00 to 18:00 CET.


Type:   DSA/2048    Expires: never
Fpr:    8671 CBF3 C010 E4F0 676A 9CD7 5D0B 022A 7CFB C5B3
Sub:    Elgamal/2048  Usage: Encrypt
UID:    Proximus CSIRT <csirt@proximus.com>
UID:    Belgacom CSIRT <csirt@belgacom.be>
UID:    Proximus CSIRT <csirt@proximus.be>


FIRST Full Member since 11 Jan 2015


Current State Entry Date
Re-Certification Candidate
since 08 Nov 2023
10 Apr 2013
Date of Accreditation Date of Certification
28 May 2014 08 Jul 2016

Name Changes

This team has changed names:

  • from "BGC-CSIRT" to "PXS-CSIRT" on 25 Jun 2015


Date Description
26 Jul 2022 PXS-CSIRT is now a recertification candidate team
10 Dec 2019 PXS-CSIRT is now a recertified team
16 Jan 2019 PXS-CSIRT is now a recertification candidate team
08 Jul 2016 PXS-CSIRT is now a certified team
26 Jun 2015 PXS-CSIRT is now a certification candidate team
28 May 2014 PXS-CSIRT is now an accredited team
21 Mar 2014 PXS-CSIRT is now an accreditation candidate team
10 Apr 2013 PXS-CSIRT is now a listed team