July 2024
25 Jul 2024 OBRELA-CSIRT (GR) is now a listed team
25 Jul 2024 CERT-REACK (IT) is now a listed team
22 Jul 2024 CSA Global CSIRT (ES) is now an accreditation candidate team
19 Jul 2024 CERT-AKAOMA (FR) is now an accredited team
19 Jul 2024 HKCERT (HK) has completed the re-listing process
19 Jul 2024 CERT-DFi (CH) has completed the re-listing process
16 Jul 2024 CSIRT-NBU (UA) is now an accredited team
11 Jul 2024 SZ SOC (CZ) is now an accreditation candidate team
10 Jul 2024 SIGOV-CERT (SI) is now an accredited team
10 Jul 2024 HWG-CERT (IT) is now a certification candidate team
10 Jul 2024 Chalmers IRT (SE) has completed the re-listing process
09 Jul 2024 CERT-KSF-RKS (XK) has completed the re-listing process
09 Jul 2024 PODA-CSIRT (CZ) is now a listed team
05 Jul 2024 OneCyber CERT (ES) is now an accredited team
05 Jul 2024 Dubex IRT (DK) is now an accredited team
04 Jul 2024 CERT-AA (DE) is now a listed team
June 2024
24 Jun 2024 ATS-CSIRT is now an accreditation candidate team
20 Jun 2024 OneCyber CERT (ES) is now an accreditation candidate team
19 Jun 2024 NCZI CSIRT (SK) is now an accreditation candidate team
18 Jun 2024 CSIRT-NBU (UA) is now an accreditation candidate team
14 Jun 2024 CDC AEC is now a certification candidate team
14 Jun 2024 Dubex IRT (DK) is now an accreditation candidate team
13 Jun 2024 Dubex IRT (DK) is now a listed team
11 Jun 2024 OneCyber CERT (ES) is now a listed team
11 Jun 2024 KBM CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
06 Jun 2024 OCINT-CSIRT (CH) is now an accredited team
05 Jun 2024 CSOC LKPR (CZ) is now an accredited team
May 2024
31 May 2024 ICT Academy CERT (KV) has completed the re-listing process
31 May 2024 LION-CSIRT (IT) is now an accredited team
28 May 2024 KERNUN CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
24 May 2024 CERT-7 (IT) is now an accreditation candidate team
23 May 2024 ws-csirt (SK) has completed the re-listing process
20 May 2024 ExaCERT (PL) has completed the re-listing process
17 May 2024 Kering-CERT (FR) is now an accredited team
17 May 2024 Botswana-CSIRT (BW) is now an accreditation candidate team
15 May 2024 AC SOC (SK) is now a listed team
14 May 2024 CERT PKO BP is now a recertified team
14 May 2024 SK-CERT is now a recertified team
14 May 2024 KPN-CERT is now a recertified team
14 May 2024 CERT-MU (MU) is now a certified team
14 May 2024 GOVCERT.RS (RS) is now a listed team
10 May 2024 CERT Orange Romania (RO) is now an accredited team
10 May 2024 CERT-AM is no longer suspended
10 May 2024 HACKNOWLEDGE CSIRT (CH) is now an accredited team
09 May 2024 CYBERLOOP CSIRT (IT) is now a listed team
08 May 2024 NCZI CSIRT (SK) is now a listed team
03 May 2024 Botswana-CSIRT (BW) is now a listed team
03 May 2024 MNEMO-CERT (ES) has completed the re-listing process
01 May 2024 CSIRT.CZ is now a recertification candidate team
April 2024
24 Apr 2024 MASTER.CZ-CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
24 Apr 2024 TS-WAY CIOC (IT) has completed the re-listing process
19 Apr 2024 LION-CSIRT (IT) is now an accreditation candidate team
16 Apr 2024 SIGOV-CERT (SI) is now an accreditation candidate team
16 Apr 2024 SIGOV-CERT (SI) has completed the re-listing process
16 Apr 2024 gematik CERT (DE) is now an accredited team
16 Apr 2024 CyBourn CSIRT (RO) is now a listed team
16 Apr 2024 HACKNOWLEDGE CSIRT (CH) is now an accreditation candidate team
16 Apr 2024 Kering-CERT (FR) is now an accreditation candidate team
11 Apr 2024 DB CSIRT has completed the re-listing process
10 Apr 2024 OCINT-CSIRT (CH) is now an accreditation candidate team
10 Apr 2024 CERT Orange Romania (RO) is now an accreditation candidate team
09 Apr 2024 LION-CSIRT (IT) is now a listed team
09 Apr 2024 ACD-TRC (ES) is now an accredited team
09 Apr 2024 OCINT-CSIRT (CH) is now a listed team
08 Apr 2024 INFN CSIRT (IT) is now a listed team
08 Apr 2024 CSIRT EDP (PT) is now a listed team
08 Apr 2024 SG-GITSIR (SG) is now a listed team
05 Apr 2024 NIX.CZ-CSIRT (CZ) has completed the re-listing process
03 Apr 2024 SOC Trecom (PL) is now an accredited team
March 2024
27 Mar 2024 SOC Trecom (PL) is now an accreditation candidate team
25 Mar 2024 CSOC LKPR (CZ) is now an accreditation candidate team
25 Mar 2024 CSOC LKPR (CZ) is now a listed team
20 Mar 2024 MYCD-CERT (ES) is now an accreditation candidate team
18 Mar 2024 ACD-TRC (ES) is now an accreditation candidate team
13 Mar 2024 CERT Orange Romania (RO) is now a listed team
13 Mar 2024 AC-CSIRT (CZ) is now an accredited team
13 Mar 2024 Jo-FinCERT (JO) is now an accredited team
12 Mar 2024 MYCD-CERT (ES) is now a listed team
12 Mar 2024 CERTBI is now a certification candidate team
11 Mar 2024 SOCRadar (US) is now a listed team
11 Mar 2024 CSIRT.LI (LI) is now a listed team
08 Mar 2024 Panasonic PSIRT is no longer suspended
01 Mar 2024 NAIS G-CSIRT (AL) is now a listed team
February 2024
26 Feb 2024 UiO-CERT is now a certified team
26 Feb 2024 KrCERT/CC is now a certified team
26 Feb 2024 Infineon CDC is now a certified team
26 Feb 2024 INCIBE-CERT is now a certified team
26 Feb 2024 DKCERT is now a certified team
26 Feb 2024 KraftCERT is now a recertified team
20 Feb 2024 XPD-SIRT has completed the re-listing process
20 Feb 2024 Kering-CERT (FR) is now a listed team
20 Feb 2024 Uniper OT SOC (DE) is now a listed team
13 Feb 2024 YCERT is not accepted as an accredited team
12 Feb 2024 eduGAIN CSIRT (NL) is now a listed team
09 Feb 2024 NESTOR (CZ) is now a certification candidate team
09 Feb 2024 CSOC-ARIA (IT) is now an accredited team
09 Feb 2024 PIONIER-CERT (PL) is now an accredited team
06 Feb 2024 GTN-CERT (ES) is now a listed team
06 Feb 2024 ACD-TRC (ES) is now a listed team
06 Feb 2024 IBD is now a certification candidate team
06 Feb 2024 GOVCERT.LU is now a certification candidate team
05 Feb 2024 AC-CSIRT (CZ) is now an accreditation candidate team